Saturday, April 24, 2021

Women-Enslaving Hospitals

 What do 'Baby-Friendly' hospitals do to women?

They have an exclusive breastfeeding oriented policy.

Yes, they call it a 'code'.  Please check on this:  Ten Steps & International Code.

'Baby-Friendly' hospitals' main goal is to "promote" (would not "force" be a more suitable verb?) breastfeeding.

24/7 rooming-in, no nurseries, no bottle feeding, "unless medically indicated"...  

Women are not allowed to recover from delivery.  When mothers say they will not breastfeed, they are harassed.

Please check on this and you know what I mean:  When Baby-Friendly is Mom-Unfriendly.

The breastfeeding obsession has a goal:  convince women that they ought to sacrifice their freedom and health once they become mothers;  that feeding and caring for children is a women's job only.

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