Monday, July 27, 2020

Population Growth, Planetary Borders, Pandemics

There are 9 Planetary Borders, or planet limits, which cannot be passed.

Pressing them, running to break them, means we are destroying Earth.

Our planet has limits that we ought to respect.

Planetary Borders is a cientific concept developed by RÖCKSTROM (2009) and 28 other cientists.

They are the following:

  • Climate change
  • Ocean acidification
  • Stratospheric ozone depletion
  • Interference with the global phosphorus and nitrogen cycles
  • Rate of biodiversity loss
  • Global freshwater use
  • Land-system change
  • Aerosol loading
  • Chemical Pollution
Population growth is the primary cause of them all.

Pollution, mass consumption, densely populated cities leading to poor housing, unhealthy environments, hunting for fun, animal abuse and abusive consumption of animal protein, fossil fuel, the list goes on...  What is behind all this?  Population growth.

What do these and other facts cause to the planet?

Diseases.  Epidemics.  Pandemics.  They will become each time more frequent.

Is that all?


Wars often result from ambitions related to population growth.  Disputes concerning access to fossil fuels, for instance. 
Poverty expansion, social unrest, violence.

When shall we take population growth seriously?

Think about that.

ROCKSTRÖM, J. and al. 2009. Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity.  Ecology and Society 14(2): 32