Monday, August 19, 2019

One hundred thousand in Brasília

Brasília, Eixo Monumental (“Monumental Axis”, large avenue that concentrates Brazilian Ministries, Brazilian Congress, the Presidential office building and the Supreme Court), last Tuesday, 13th August:  100.000, yes, one hundred thousand people, mostly women, marched against the invasion of indigenous peoples’ lands, deforestation, tolerance of violence against indigenous communities, social activists and the government’s policies concerning environmental protection (actually environmental destruction).  They also protested against Social Security reformation, which imposes major sacrifices on women.
The Brazilian press has deliberately hidden the parade, either not broadcasting it or strongly depreciating the number of participants.
It means that the Margaridas’ protest matters.  The. Government, allied to the press, has understood that they should be silenced, as if they weren’t there.  As if they did not matter.
100 mil em Brasília

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