Friday, July 27, 2018

The Obnoxious Brazilian Passenger

Several times I’ve spoken about Brazilian misbehaviour.  It happens more than often;  it’s a way o living.  Brazilians learn bad manners at home.  The vast majority of Brazilian population is rude, violent, dishonest, loud, lazy and sexist.  Oh, it sounds like a lot of prejudice, ha?  Sorry to say, it’s true.  I am from Brazil, I’ve always lived here so I know what I am speaking of.
Brazilians in a plane are loud.  Infernally loud, specially if they fly in family or group.  No steward does anything about it.  Why?  As Brazilians, they find it normal!  Sometimes they are rude too.  The other passengers?  Well, they have to put up with hours of sound violence.  
Brazilian passengers invade the space of the passengers seated next to them.  They put legs and arms where they shouldn’t, spread their belongings where they couldn’t.  
Brazilians adore to travel with lots of luggage they are unlikely to need in destination.  Worse:  they always try to bring them into the aircraft.
Brazilians let their children do what they want.  Scream, quick, jump, bother other people.
There are also those who insist on trying to know other passengers, start a conversation and won’t let you by yourself.  Others don’t respect your right to silence and chat next to you.  They let you no choice but listen to them.  
Isn’t there a single nice Brazilian passenger?
Oh yes.  There is. 

The cat.  The dog.  The alien.

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